Research Group (peripheral arteriopathy)

Explain the adequacy and coherence of the composition of the group, preferably multidisciplinary, in order to achieve the objectives set. Indicate collaborations with other groups or institutions.

The ARTPER group is made up of Primary Care doctors, a nurse and a statistician. The central research objective of the group is peripheral arterial disease (epidemiology, diagnostic and prognostic factors) and its relationship with vascular events. Given the group's interest in cardiovascular pathology and since the main work environment was primary care, the study of this entity was focused as it was more approachable from our work environment. Since the beginning of the group, in 2006, 6 other funded projects have been achieved that have allowed the creation and monitoring for 10 years of a population cohort of almost 3800 individuals. FIS PI07/0403 on the prevalence of peripheral arterial disease; ETES PI07/90415 on short- and medium-term vascular events;  FIS PI11/00765 on the incidence of peripheral arterial disease after 5 years of cohort follow-up; FIS PI15/00510 on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality of the ARTPER cohort; FIS PI20/00129; PERIS, 2020. During these years and until now, collaborations have been made with the Neurosciences Unit of the HGTIP: ASIA Study, (asymptomatic intracranial atherosclerosis) with the Faculty of Psychology UAB: ASIA-Neuropsychological, with the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute: study of silent cerebral ischemia: RETINO-ICS/ ISSYS and with the IMIM with DARIOS Study on the prevalence and study of cardiovascular risk factors in the twenty-first century (Participation of 11 Spanish cohorts); CORDELIA studio.

We are currently collaborating with the vascular surgery service of the Hospital de Mataró and the TecnoCampus Foundation of Mataró, carrying out a clinical trial on symptomatic peripheral arteriopathy (Intermittent Claudication) and supervised physical exercise. We are also starting the HELENA study (PERIS 2020).

La cohort ARTPER ha format part també entre d' altres col.laboracions: INTERPRESS inter-arm blood pressure difference collaboration: Dr Chris Clark.  Individual Patient Data meta-analysis of inter-arm blood pressure difference and survival (INTERPRESS-IPD).

Group projects


  • Pla estrategic de recerca Grup ARTPER. (SENIOR-19/1). ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2020-2023. IP: Mª Teresa Alzamora Sas.

  • La microcirculació retiniana com a factor de risc cardiovascular. ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2023. IP: Antoni Heras Tébar.

  • Anàlisis de la microcirculació retiniana com a factor de risc cardiovascular en la cohort ARTPER. Estudi Retino-ARTPER. (INTENS-19/11). ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2020-2023. IP: Antoni Heras Tébar.


  • Terapia de ejercicio supervisado en sujetos con arteriopatía periférica sintomática. (PI20/00129). Instituto de Salud Carlos III. 2020-2024. IP: Pere Torán Monserrat, Mª Teresa Alzamora Sas.

  • Incidència d'esdeveniments cardiovasculars en pacients COVID-19 a Catalunya. Estudi poblacional amb base de dades SIDIAP. Institut d'Investigació en Atenció Primària Jordi Gol i Gurina (IDIAPJGol). 2021-2023. IP: Mª Teresa Alzamora Sas.

  • Adecuación entre la derivación a oftalmología desde Atención Primaria por sospecha de retinopatía diabética y el diagnóstico final en base a la retinografía de cribado en práctica clínica habitual y utilidad de un sistema automatizado de detección. RETINAvalid. ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2021. IP: Víctor Miguel López Lifante.

Group publications


  • Torán P, Montesinos S, Pachon Camacho A, Diez Fadrique G, Ruiz Rojano I, Arteaga I et al. Risky Alcohol Consumption in the Elderly: Screening and Brief Intervention from Primary Care. The ALANE Study, a Randomized Clinical Trial. Beverages. 2023;9(4):

  • Pericas C, Avcii G, Baena Díez JM, Domínguez A, Toledo D, Redondo A et al. Risk of partial school closure for COVID-19 by socio-economic level in the period 2020-22. J. Public Health. 2023;45(4):794-798. PMID:37291062.

  • Serra Burriel M, Juanola A, Serra Burriel F, Thiele M, Graupera I, Pose E et al. Development, validation, and prognostic evaluation of a risk score for long-term liver-related outcomes in the general population: a multicohort study. Lancet. 2023;402(10406):988-996. PMID:37572680.

  • Graupera I, Thiele M, Ma AT, Serra Burriel M, Pich J, Fabrellas N et al. Correction: LiverScreen project: study protocol for screening for liver fibrosis in the general population in European countries. BMC Public Health. 2023;23(1):923-923. PMID:37217864.

  • Chacón C, Arteaga I, Martínez Escudé A, Rojano IR, Lamonja Vicente N, Caballeria L et al. Clinical epidemiology of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children and adolescents. The LiverKids: Study protocol. PLoS One. 2023;18(10): PMID:37831682.

  • Roig Coll F, Castells Sánchez A, Monté Rubio G, Dacosta Aguayo R, Lamonja Vicente N, Toran Monserrat P et al. Changes in cardiovascular health and white matter integrity with aerobic exercise, cognitive and combined training in physically inactive healthy late-middle-aged adults: the "Projecte Moviment" randomized controlled trial. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 2023;124(3):909-924. PMID:37768344.

  • Julian MT, Ballesta S, Pera G, de Oca A, Soldevila B, Caballeria L et al. Abdominal obesity and dsyglycemia are risk factors for liver fibrosis progression in NAFLD subjects: A population-based study. Front. Endocrinol. 2023;131051958-1051958. PMID:36714592.


  • Villesen IF, Graupera I, Pera G, Serra Burriel M, Arslanow A, Hansen JK et al. Short-term variation in transient elastography measurements when used as a population screening tool. Hepatology. 2023;781728-1729.

  • Pericas C, Baena Díez JM, Domínguez A, Toledo D, Redondo A, Vilaplana Carnerero C et al. Risk of partial closure of barcelona schools during the COVID-19 pandemic according to socioeconomic level. Gac. Sanit. 2023;37257-258.

  • Hernández R, Hoyo J, Carol M, Nadal R, Juanola A, Soria A et al. Patients with risk factors for liver diseases associated with hepatic steatosis constitute the target population for liver fibrosis assessment in primary care. J. Hepatol. 2023;78664-665.

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