Research Group on Health Economics in Primary Care

Ours is a multidisciplinary group made up of 20 researchers from different fields and disciplines. The group originated in 1999 with the DAPGA study that was carried out at the Mental Health Center of Gavà and the ABS Bartomeu Fabrés Anglada in Gavà. As a result of that first collaboration, others emerged that focused mainly on the evaluation of interventions aimed at the management of mental illnesses in PC, always with the economic evaluation component of these interventions. In recent years, the focus of research has increasingly focused on the economic evaluation of health in PC, including the evaluation of the economic impact of diseases (e.g. COSTDEP), the cost-effectiveness of preventive interventions (e.g. PREDICTD-CCRT (4R09/043), PREDICT-WORK (4R18/092) PREDICTPLUSPREVENT (4R18/179)), pharmacological (INFAP (4R11/055)) and non-pharmacological (EUDAIMON (4R15/051)),  the cost of non-adherence both in adult population (NON-INITIATORS (4R14/073)) and pediatric (NON-INITIATORS PEDIATRIC (4R18/180)), etc. In addition, although the study of mental illnesses is still one of the main focuses of the group, the research has been extended to other pathologies, such as the management of chronic pain and fibromyalgia (e.g. FIBROMYALGIA SUBTYPE (4R12/066), EUDAIMON (4R15/051), ULTREYA (4R19/003) and IMPACT (FIS PI19/00112)), multi-risk prevention (Econ-EIRA3 (4R15/044)) or the design of interventions to improve the initiation of cardiovascular treatments and diabetes (NON-INITIATORS PHASE 1 (4R18/007),  NON-CARDIOVASCULAR INITIATORS (4R18/172), NON-INITIATORS PHASE 2). The group complements the use of clinical trials and economic evaluations with other study designs that allow it to better understand the difficulties of managing pathologies in primary care and the efficiency of treatments, such as qualitative research (e.g. QUALIFAR (4R10/003); PREDICT-EVAL (4R12/046); NON-INITIATORS PHASE 1 (4R18/007), MENTAL HEALTH DIAGNOSIS of some Catalan counties and cities (4R17/124, 4R17/125)), systematic reviews (e.g. EIRA2 (4R12/048)), and epidemiological studies based on the secondary exploitation of large databases, such as SIDIAP (e.g. VORTIOXETINE PASS (4R18/004), all within the framework of research in the field of primary care,  but with regular collaborations with the hospital.

Some of the researchers in the group are part of redIAPP, others are associate university professors from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Barcelona or the Open University of Catalonia. And one of the researchers is a member of the European Depression Association and the Mental Health Group of the Wonca Working Party on Mental Health.

Group projects


  • Recerca en Economia de la Salut a l´Atenció Primària. ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2022-2024. IP:Mª Teresa Peñarrubia María.

  • Estudi pilot sobre l'aplicació d'un programa docent sobre el model comunicacional de presa de decisions compartides a la consulta per a metges/ses residents/es de medicina familiar i comunitària. (C_Novartis-20/3). 2020-2024. IP:Sara-Anna Davies Daunas.

  • Desenvolupament del rol investigador en infermeria mitjançant dues línies de recerca del grup Economía de la Salut a l?Atenció Primària. ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2023-2024. IP:Maria del Carmen Gallardo González.

  • Desenvolupament del rol investigador en infermeria mitjançant dues línies de recerca del Grup Economia de la Salut a l' Atenció Primària. ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2021-2023. IP:Maria del Carmen Gallardo González.


  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its restrictions on chronification of benzodiazepine use. Consoricio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en RED (CIBER); Fundació per a la recerca i la Docència Sant Joan de Déu. 2022 IP: Ignacio Aznar Lou.

  • Prevención de la depresión a través de una intervención personalizada basada en TICs, algoritmos predictivos de riesgo, y DSS para pacientes y médicos de familia: El estudio e-predictD. ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2020-2023. IP: Juan Manuel Mendive Arbeloa.

  • Pilot d'una intervenció complexa per millorar la iniciació al tractament farmacològic. Fundació per a la recerca i la Docència Sant Joan de Déu. 2020-2023. IP: Maria Rubio Valera.

  • Motivaciones en la cronificación del Uso de Benzodiacepinas: Un estudio cualitativo. 2023-2026. IP: Mª Teresa Peñarrubia María.

  • El problema de la no iniciación pedíatrica: Evaluación con métodos mixtos. (PI19/00108). Instituto de Salud Carlos III. 2020-2023. IP: Maria Rubio Valera.

  • Avaluació de l'efectivitat i cost-efectivitat de la intervenció d'Adherència Inicial a la Medicació (IMA): Assaig controlat aleatoritzat per conglomerats i model econòmic (IMA-cRCT). European Commission. 2021 IP: Maria Rubio Valera,Mª Teresa Peñarrubia María.

Group publications


  • Siddi S, Bailon R, Giné Vázquez I, Matcham F, Lamers F, Kontaxis S et al. The usability of daytime and night-time heart rate dynamics as digital biomarkers of depression severity. Psychol. Med. 2023;53(8):1-12. PMID:37184076.

  • Lavalle R, Condominas E, Haro JM, Giné Vázquez I, Bailon R, Laporta E et al. The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Adults with Major Depressive Disorder from Catalonia: A Decentralized Longitudinal Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023;20(6): PMID:36982069.

  • Machlab S, Francia E, Mascort J, Garcia Iglesias P, Mendive JM, Riba F et al. Risks, indications and technical aspects of colonoscopy in elderly or frail patients. Position paper of the Societat Catalana de Digestologia, the Societat Catalana de Geriatria i Gerontologia and the Societat Catalana de Medicina de Familia i Comunitaria. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2024;47(1):107-117. PMID:37209916.

  • Bischoff SC, Ockenga J, Eshraghian A, Barazzoni R, Busetto L, Campmans Kuijpers M et al. Practical guideline on obesity care in patients with gastrointestinal and liver diseases - Joint ESPEN/UEG guideline. Clin. Nutr. 2023;42(6):987-1024. PMID:37146466.

  • Simblett SK, Pennington M, Quaife M, Siddi S, Lombardini F, Haro JM et al. Patient preferences for key drivers and facilitators of adoption of mHealth technology to manage depression: A discrete choice experiment. J. Affective Disord. 2023;331334-341. PMID:36934854.

  • Kurpas D, Mendive JM, Vidal Alaball J, Petrazzuoli F, Morad M, Kloppe T et al. European Perspective on How Social Prescribing Can Facilitate Health and Social Integrated Care in the Community. Int. J. Integr. Care. 2023;23(2):13-13. PMID:37151777.

  • Papadakis S, Anastasaki M, Gergianaki I, Koek G, Mendive J, Anastasiou F et al. Development and implementation of a continuing medical education program on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease for primary care practitioners in Europe. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023;101034626-1034626. PMID:37035308.

  • Fontcuberta JMB, Daunas SD, Pérez CP. Cómo pactar un plan terapéutico con el paciente. FMC Formacion Med. Continuada Aten. Prim. 2023;30(1):33-41.

  • Bellón JA, Rodríguez Morejón A, Conejo Cerón S, Campos Paíno H, Rodríguez Bayón A, Ballesta Rodríguez MI et al. A personalized intervention to prevent depression in primary care based on risk predictive algorithms and decision support systems: protocol of the e-predictD study. Front. Psychiatry. 2023;141163800-1163800. PMID:37333911.


  • Sánchez Viñas A, Corral Partearroyo C, Gil Girbau M, Peñarrubia María MT, Aznar Lou I, Gallardo González C et al. The Initial Medication Adherence intervention: study protocol of a cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial using Real-World Data. Int. J. Clin. Phar. 2023;45(1):

  • Duffey J, Griffiths G, Kushner T, Mendive J, Zoulim F, Buti M. Independent online medical education significantly improves physician knowledge regarding the burden of hepatitis delta virus infection and best practice in screening and diagnosis. Hepatology. 2023;78391-392.

  • Aznar Lou I, Peñarrubia Maria M, Parker L. Chronification in the use of benzodiacepines: incidence stratified by sex and age groups. Value Health. 2023;26(12):538-538.

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