Chronic and Complex Wound Research Group

The group presented is made up of primary care professionals, who naturally emerged from the care activity around chronic and complex injuries (FCC), but who in a specific and cohesive way have carried out for years before the establishment of an FCC Unit in 2018. Currently in full development of both care and training and research activities, in permanent coordination with other units in the field of primary care and reference hospitals (Bellvitge University Hospital, Sant Joan de Déu Health Park and Hospital de Sant Joan Despí Moisès Broggi). It consists of Núria Tuset, María José Portillo, Montserrat Villanueva, Mónica González, Arantxa Humanes, Francisco Javier Rodríguez, Susana Casaus, Isabel Plaza, Marta Prats, Núria Vidal, Núria Villanueva, Jordi Casanovas, Gemma Trujillo and Miguel Ángel Díaz. The group includes Mateo Acedo, nurse and head of the Technical Secretariat for Primary Care Management (DAP) Metropolitana Sud (MS), and María Jesús Megido, nurse and associate professor at the University of Barcelona (UB), coordinator of the Master of Advanced Practice Nursing UB. The group is supported by Oriol Cunillera, a statistician, and Jesús Almeda, a medical specialist in the MS Research Support Unit. Targets: -Improve the quality of care for people with FCC: establishing a common methodological model in actions that improve the quality of life, clinical efficiency and sustainability of the health system, through evidence-based practice. -Establish a space for updating and excellence in FCC training and research.

Group projects


  • Avaluació de la validesa diagnòstica de la TDI rutinària en el diagnòstic precoç i estratificació de PD d'alt risc neuropàtic, neuroisquèmic o amb trastorns angiosomals (angiopatia distal i MAP distal) subclínics a l'àmbit de l'AP. DERMATOO. IP: Miguel Ángel Díaz Herrera.


  • Utilització de termografia dèrmica infraroja rutinària en el diagnòstic precoç de Peu Diabètic d'alt risc (neuropàtics, neuroisquèmics i amb trastorns angiosomals subclínics). (SLT021/21/000059). Generalitat Catalunya. Departament de Salut. 2022-2024. IP: Miguel Ángel Díaz Herrera.

  • Efectividad de un modelo integral de atención a pacientes crónicos complejos o con enfermedad crónica avanzada en cuanto a reducción de ingresos hospitalarios en el SAP Baix Llobregat Centre. 2022 IP: Mª Jesús Megido Badia.

  • Análisis y descripción de costes derivados del cuidado de heridas crónicas (lesiones por presión, úlceras de etiología venosa, úlceras de etiología arterial y pie diabético) en atención primaria en la zona metropolitana sur de Barcelona. ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2021 IP: Miguel Ángel Díaz Herrera.

  • Análisis epidemiológico de heridas crónicas (lesiones por presión, úlceras de etiología venosa, úlceras de etiología arterial y pie diabético) en atención primaria en la zona metropolitana sur de Barcelona. ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2019-2023. IP: Miguel Ángel Díaz Herrera.

Group publications


  • Zwart M, Azagra Ledesma R, Saez M, Aguyé Batista A, Díaz Herrera MA, Tranche Iparraguirre S. Predictive capacity of FRAX in a spanish region with a hip fracture rate close to the national mean. BMC Musculoskelet. Disord. 2023;24(1):577-577. PMID:37454058.

  • Megido MJ, Celdran M, Ferrer A, Roca M, Pujol Ribera E, Zabaleta Olmo E. Grandchildren of grandparents with Alzheimer's disease: Exploratory study of the impact of the disease on their relationships. Dementia. 2023;22(4):838-853. PMID:36916529.


  • Azagra R, Gabriel Escoda P, Zwart Salmerón M, Caballero Gómez MF, Cabanas Valdés R, Aguyé Batista A et al. Preventing falls puts a stop to fragility fractures among the elderly in Catalonia (Spain) using the OTAGO exercise program. Aging Clin. Exp. Res. 2023;35418-419.

  • Zwart M, Azagra R, Pujol Salud J, Díaz Herrera MA, Gabriel Escoda P, Aguyé Batista A. Measuring health-related quality of life in men with osteoporotic fracture in a general population. Aging Clin. Exp. Res. 2023;35302-302.

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