Research Group on Infections in Primary Care
The group is made up of family physicians working in different lines of research on infectious diseases in primary care. We have collaborations with Catalan, Spanish and international universities and scientific societies of primary care in Catalonia and abroad. We actively participate in research by independent organizations in Catalonia, Spain and abroad. The primary objective of the group is to promote a more reasoned prescription of antimicrobials in primary care, identifying the subgroups of patients who really need them and avoiding them when they are not necessary. Other objectives are the microbiological aspects of the most prevalent community germs, identifying whether the etiology is bacterial or viral, resistance and prognosis of the most common infections. Another objective is to provide the family physician with diagnostic tools for community infections by means of rapid diagnostic methods.
Group projects
Millora en l'ús d'antibiòtics per a les infeccions del tracte urinari en atenció primària. ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2022-2024. IP: Ana Moragas Moreno.
Fons RLD Happy Patient. IP: Carl Llor.
Tailoring antibiotic therapy duration for uncomplicated respiratory tract infections that need antibiotic therapy. The pre-STORM qualitative study (Adaptació de la durada del tractament antibiòtic de les infeccions respiratòries no complicades que necessiten antibioteràpia. L'estudi qualitatiu pre-STORM). 2023-2026. IP: Ana Moragas.
Platform randomised controlled trial of point of care diagnostics for enhancing the quality of antibiotic prescribing for community acquired acute respiratory tract infection in ambulatory care in Europe (PRUDENCE). University of Oxford. 2020-2024. IP: Carl Llor.
Perpetual Observational Study (POS) of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) in primary care settings (PC) across Europe - Audit. UMC Utrecht (University Medical Center Utrecht). 2023-2026. IP: Carl Llor.
Maneig de les ITUS a Catalunya: estudi descriptiu del maneig diagnòstic i terapèutic, i l'impacte de les teràpies supressores en la gravetat d'infeccions potencialment greus [Estudi ITUCAT]. (SLT021/21/000022). Generalitat Catalunya.Departament de Salut. 2022 IP: Ana Moragas.
Intervention Study - Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Improving clinicians' diagnostic and communication Skills on Antibiotic prescribing Appropriateness in patients with acute Cough in primary care in CATalonia. ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2019-2023. IP: Carl Llor.
Improving antibiotic use in long term care facilities by infection prevention and control and antibiotic stewardship (IMAGINE). European Commission. 2022-2025. IP: Carl Llor.
IMproving Antibiotic prescribinG In NursIng homEs in Spain. A before and after intervention study (IMAGINE Study). (ID 71388143). Pfizer, S.L.U. 2022-2024. IP: Carl Llor.
Health Alliance for Prudent Prescription and Yield of Antibiotics in a Patient-centred Perspective. European Commission. 2020-2024. IP: Carl Llor.
Grau d'adequació en la sol·licitud d'urocultius procedents d'atenció primària (WP4). ITUCAT. 2023-2026. IP: Ana Moragas.
First void OR Midstream Urine sampling among women with Lower urinAry tract infection symptoms. ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2022 IP: Ana Moragas.
European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases - Primary care adaptive platform trial for pandemics and epidemics (ECRAID-Prime). UMC Utrecht (University Medical Center Utrecht). 2023-2026. IP: Carl Llor.
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Improving clinicians'' diagnostic and communication Skills on Antibiotic prescribing Appropriateness in patients with acute Cough in primary care in CATalonia. (119/C/2018). Fundació La Marató de TV3. 2018-2023. IP: Carl Llor.
Efectividad clínica y erradicación bacteriológica de 4 pautas antibióticas cortas en infecciones urinarias en mujeres adultas. estudio SCOUT. (ICI20/00100). Instituto de Salud Carlos III. 2020-2024. IP: CarlLlor.
Efectividad clínica y erradicación bacteriológica de 3 pautas antibióticas cortas y monodosis de fosfomicina trometamol en las infecciones urinarias bajas no complicadas en mujeres adultas [Estudio SCOUT]. (IJG-SCOUT-2021). Institut d'Investigació en Atenció Primària Jordi Gol i Gurina (IDIAPJGol). 2021 IP: Carl Llor.
Group publications
Fernández García S, Moreno AM, Giner Soriano M, Morros R, Ouchi D, García Sangenís A et al. Urinary Tract Infections in Men in Primary Care in Catalonia, Spain. Antibiotics-Basel. 2023;12(11): PMID:37998813.
Michalsen BO, Xu A, Alderson SL, Bjerrum L, Brehaut J, Bucher HC et al. Regional and national antimicrobial stewardship activities: a survey from the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance-Primary Care Antibiotic Audit and Feedback Network (JPIAMR-PAAN). JAC-Antimicrob. Resist. 2023;5(2): PMID:38659427.
Llor C, Hoyos Mallecot Y, Moragas A, Troncoso Mariño A, Bjerrum L, Villmones HC. New paradigms on antibiotic recommendations for community-acquired infections in Spain. Aten. Prim. 2023;55(8):102648-102648. PMID:37167756.
Moragas A, García Sangenís A, Llor C. Do external urine collection devices reduce contamination in urine samples for women with symptoms of urinary tract infection? A systematic review; Enferm. Infec. Microbiol. Clin. 2023;41(7):426-429.
Moragas A, García Sangenís A, Llor C. Do external urine collection devices reduce contamination in urine samples for women with symptoms of urinary tract infection? A systematic review. Enferm. Infec. Microbiol. Clin. 2023;41(7):426-429. PMID:36707281.
Moragas Moreno A, Fernández García S, Llor C, Ouchi D, García Sangenís A, Monteagudo M et al. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Management of Urinary Tract Infections in Catalonia, Spain: Protocol for an Observational Cohort Study. JMIR RES. Protoc. 2023;12 PMID:36811950.
Zamora FJP, Barbero AM, Molinero A, Marcos NS, Lambert M, Taxis K et al. Auditoría de la dispensación de antibióticos en la farmacia comunitaria (proyecto 'Happy Patient'). Farm. Comunitarios. 2023;15(4):26-36.
Lambert M, Benko R, Lykkegaard J, Hansen MP, Llor C, Touboul P et al. Auditing antibiotic dispensing practices in community pharmacies in 5 EU countries. Pharmacoepidemiol. Drug Saf. 2023;32602-602.