Girona Vascular Health Research Group
The ISV research group offers a broad spectrum of expertise in both methodologies and thematic areas of primary care. The group is fully integrated in the RICAPPS network (Network for Research in Chronicity, Primary Care and Health Promotion, RICORS program) as Dr. Ramos is also the coordinator of the network. The ISV group is multidisciplinary: it includes primary care physicians, epidemiologists, nurses, biologists, mathematicians, and biostatisticians with and biostatisticians (who ensure accurate and rigorous data analysis). Its research focuses on three main lines of investigation, which we intend to continue in the next three years. These lines are: 1) evaluation of preventive interventions and study of the efficacy of drugs used in primary prevention, using real-world data. 2) Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases, especially asymptomatic ones. 3) The design of decision support tools with mathematical models.
Group projects
Prevenció de les malalties cròniques més prevalents a la comunitat. (INTENS-19/8). ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2020-2023. IP: Mar Serrat Costa.
Predicción del Riesgo Vascular y Efectividad del Tratamiento con Hipolipemiantes en Población de Edad Avanzada del Mediterraneo. (FI18/00235). Instituto de Salud Carlos III. 2019-2023. IP: Lidia Elizabeth Guzmán Heras.
Mètode genètic per a estimar el risc de presentar complicacions greus que requereixen ingrés hospitalari en la població susceptible de contraure una infecció per SARS-Cov-2 (CARGENCORS). IP: Rafel Ramos Blanes.
Validació dels diagnòstics de cardiopatia isquèmica a SIDIAP. Institut d'Investigació en Atenció Primària Jordi Gol i Gurina (IDIAPJGol). 2017-2023. IP: Mª del Mar Garcia Gil.
Stratification of Obese Phenotypes to Optimize Future Obesity Therapy (SOPHIA). (875534). Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). 2020-2025. IP: Rafel Ramos Blanes.
Programa de prevenció de malalties cardiovasculars basat en el cribratge d'arteriopatia perifèrica asimptomàtica. [Health program for prEvention of cardiovascuLar disEases based on a risk screeNing strategy with Ankle-brachial index]. HELENA Study. (SLT021/21/000015). Generalitat Catalunya. Departament de Salut. 2022 IP: Rafel Ramos Blanes.
Prediction of Adolescent meNtal healTH from Electronic health Records. University College London (UCL). 2020-2023. IP: Rafel Ramos Blanes.
Patrones del uso de Estatinas en el Tratamiento del Riesgo cardiovascular elevado y Efectividad Asociada. AstraZeneca Farmacéutica Spain, S.A. 2012-2024. IP: Rafel Ramos Blanes.
Nivel y variación del riesgo cardiovascular y prevención de la demencia. (PI20/01239). Instituto de Salud Carlos III. 2020-2024. IP: Anna Ponjoan Thans.
Mendelian Randomization to assess causal genetic pathways leading to severe COVID-19. Fundació La Marató de TV3. 2021-2024. IP: Ruth Martí Lluch.
Factores de riesgo, enfermedad cardiovascular y estilos de vida en minorías sexuales y de género: estudio poblacional a partir de registros electrónicos de salud. (PI21/00508). Instituto de Salud Carlos III. 2021-2024. IP: Mª del Mar Garcia Gil.
Estudio poblacional longitudinal para determinar si la fibrilación auricular es un factor de riesgo independiente para el desarrollo de demencia y si la calidad y el tipo de anticoagulación oral influyen en esta asociación (estudio AF-DEMOAC). Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge IDIBELL. 2020-2023. IP: Anna Ponjoan Thans.
Elaboració i validació d'un qüestionari per a mesurar les habilitats per a la vida. 2023-2026. IP: Ruth Martí Lluch, Pau Batlle Amat.
Drug Utilisation Study extension (DUS ext.) of valproate and related substances, in Europe, using databases. IQVIA LTD. 2020-2023. IP: Rafel Ramos Blanes.
Cohorte DESVELA. Análisis del papel de las aptitudes personales como DEterminantes de la incidencia de morbilidad, eStilos de vida, calidad de Vida, uso de sErvicios y mortaLidAd. (PI19/00147). Instituto de Salud Carlos III. 2019-2023. IP: Ruth Martí Lluch.
CARGENCORS / CARdiovascular GENetic risk score for Risk Stratification of patients positive for SARS-CoV-2 (COvid 19) virus. GENinCode Plc. 2022 IP: Ramos Blanes.
CARGENCORS / CARdiovascular GENetic risk score for Risk Stratification of patients positive for SARS-CoV-2 (COvid 19) virus. Banco Santander, S.A. 2020-2023. IP: Rafel Ramos Blanes.
Group publications
Zamora A, Ramos R, Comas Cufi M, Garcia Gil M, Marti Lluch R, Plana N et al. Women with familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype are undertreated and poorly controlled compared to men. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):1492-1492. PMID:36707646.
Aboal J, Ramos R, Boada I, Agudelo V, Palacio JC, Perez V. Use of new technologies in the transfer of patients with STEMI. Results from the pilot test ODISEA APP. REC. Interv. Cardiol. 2023;5(1):66-68.
Ribas BB, Llobera Cànaves J, García Ortiz L, Bellón JA, Ramos R, García Campayo J et al. The Research Network on Preventive Activities and Health Promotion (redIAPP): a reference network and promoter of primary care research. Aten. Prim. 2023;55(11):102694-102694. PMID:37481824.
Alemany A, Millat Martinez P, Corbacho Monné M, Suñer C, Galvan Casas C, Carrera C et al. Subcutaneous anti-COVID-19 hyperimmune immunoglobulin. EClinicalMedicine. 2023;57101898-101898. PMID:36936402.
Corominas J, Garriga C, Prenafeta A, Moros A, Cañete M, Barreiro A et al. Safety and immunogenicity of the protein-based PHH-1V compared to BNT162b2 as a heterologous SARS-CoV-2 booster vaccine in adults vaccinated against COVID-19: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, non-inferiority phase IIb trial. Lancet. Reg. Health. Eur. 2023;28100613-100613. PMID:37131861.
Bonfill E, Anagua O, Caicedo F, Castan C, Guazina F, Messeguer S et al. Safety and immunogenicity of a recombinant protein RBD fusion heterodimer vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. npj Vaccines. 2023;8(1):147-147. PMID:37775521.
Young Silva Y, Berenguera A, Jacques Aviño C, Gil Girbau M, Arroyo Uriarte P, Chela Alvarez X et al. Role of personal aptitudes as determinants of incident morbidity, lifestyles, quality of life, use of the health services and mortality (DESVELA cohort): qualitative study protocol for a prospective cohort study in a hybrid analysis. Front. Public Health. 2023;111069957-1069957. PMID:37361167.
Martí Lluch R, Bolibar B, Llobera J, Maderuelo Fernández JA, Magallón Botaya R, Sánchez Pérez A et al. Role of personal aptitudes as determinants of incident morbidity, lifestyles, quality of life, use of health services, and mortality (DESVELA cohort): quantitative study protocol for a prospective cohort study in a hybrid analysis. Front. Public Health. 2023;111067249-1067249. PMID:37427254.
Mo MJ, Zacarias Pons L, Hoang MT, Mostafaei S, Jurado PG, Stark I et al. Psychiatric Disorders Before and After Dementia Diagnosis. JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(10):2338080-PMID:37847498.
Mostafaei S, Hoang MT, Jurado PG, Xu H, Zacarias Pons L, Eriksdotter M et al. Machine learning algorithms for identifying predictive variables of mortality risk following dementia diagnosis: a longitudinal cohort study. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):PMID:37301891.
Mercader RJ, Casals MLR, Riera AF, Ardila LC, Rodeja MMF, Salvador SP et al. Interdisciplinary intervention for the primary prevention of dental caries in children under 18 months;. Pediatria Aten. Primaria. 2023;25(100):367-376.
García Escobar I, Muns Marin T, Ponjoan A, Fajula Bonet M. Impacto del confinamiento domiciliario por COVID-19 en población con diabetes tipo 2 de una zona rural. Metas de Enfermeria. 2023;26(5):14-21.
Rosell Daíz M, Santos González E, Motger Albertí A, Ramió Torrentà L, Garre Olmo J, Pérez Brocal V et al. Gut microbiota links to serum ferritin and cognition. Gut Microbes. 2023;15(2):2290318-2290318. PMID:38059755.
Camps Vilaro A, Subirana I, Ramos R, Cainzos Achirica M, Tizon Marcos H, Fito M et al. Five-Year Changes in Inflammatory, Metabolic, and Oxidative Biomarkers and 10-Year Cardiovascular Disease Incidence: The REGICOR Cohort Study. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023;24(9):PMID:37175639.
Elosua R, Toloba A, Arnold R, De Groot E, Martí Lluch R, Degano IR et al. Carotid artery stiffness and risk of vascular events and mortality: the REGICOR study. Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed). PMID:37816453.
Alves Cabratosa L, Elosua Bayes M, Marti Lluch R, Blanch J, Tornabell Noguera E, Garcia Gil MD et al. Cardiovascular Risk Age Reflects Arterial Status: Middle-Aged People Showed Equivalent Arterial Stiffness to Older People in the Same Risk Category. J. Atheroscler. Thromb. 2023;31(5):626-640. PMID:38171907.
Ponjoan A, Jacques Avino C, Medina Perucha L, Romero V, Marti Lluch R, Alves Cabratosa L et al. Axes of social inequities in COVID-19 clinical trials: A systematic review. Front. Public Health. 2023;111069357-1069357. PMID:36891333.
Vilalta Lacarra A, Vilalta Franch J, Serrano Sarbosa D, Martí Lluch R, Marrugat J, Garre Olmo J. Association of depression phenotypes and antidepressant treatment with mortality due to cancer and other causes: a community-based cohort study. Front. Psychol. 2023;141192462-1192462. PMID:37711322.
Camps Vilaró A, Subirana I, Elosua R, Palomo I, Sanchis J, Tizón Marcos H et al. Analysis of myocardial infarction incidence and case-fatality in the last three decades in the province of Girona. Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed). PMID:37981192.
Oliveras Cañellas N, Castells Nobau A, de la Vega Correa L, Latorre Luque J, Motger Alberti A, Arnoriaga Rodriguez M et al. Adipose tissue coregulates cognitive function. Sci. Adv. 2023;9(32):PMID:37566655.
Gomez I, Motrico E, Moreno Peral P, Casajuana Closas M, Lopez Jimenez T, Zabaleta Olmo E et al. A multiple health behaviour change intervention to prevent depression: A randomized controlled trial. Gen. Hosp. Psychiatry. 2023;8286-94. PMID:37001428.
Mora N, Fina F, Méndez Boo L, Cantenys R, Benítez M, Moreno N et al. "Decline and uneven recovery from 7 common long-term conditions managed in the Catalan primary care after two pandemic years: an observational retrospective population-based study using primary care electronic health records". BMC Prim. Care. 2023;24(1):9-9. PMID:36641483.
Bazo Alvarez JC, Carpenter JR, Ramos R, Petersen I. Adherence to statins and LDL-cholesterol control: A population-based study using primary care data. Pharmacoepidemiol. Drug Saf. 2023;32345-346.
Guzmán L (Autor). Predicción del riesgo cardiovascular en población de 75 o más años del Mediterraneo. [Tesis Doctoral]. UNIVERSIDAD DE GIRONA. 2023.
Fages E (Autor). El nivell i la variació del risc cardiovascular en la prevenció primària de la demència. [Tesis Doctoral]. UNIVERSIDAD DE GIRONA. 2023.