Research Group in Catalonia on Pediatric Vaccines and Infections

The Catalan Research Group on Paediatric Vaccines and Infections (ReCaVIP) is made up of paediatricians and primary care nurses who have previously developed joint projects in the field of child health on infectious diseases, vaccination and aspects related to the consequences they can have on the paediatric population. We are interested in the field of infectious diseases, their prevention and clinical, psychological and social repercussions in childhood, as these represent a fundamental pillar of the daily practice of primary care paediatrics, both from the point of view of their prevention through vaccination and prophylactic measures and from a purely clinical perspective.

Group projects


  • Valoració de la icterícia neonatal amb bilirrubinòmetre transcutàni a l'Atenció Primària. ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2022 IP: Mònica Vilà de Muga.

  • COVID-19 pediàtric a Catalunya (COPEDI-CAT). ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. 2020-2023. IP: Anna Gatell Carbó,.

Group Publications


  • Alcover Bloch E, Gatell Carbó A, Balaguer Martínez JV, Pérez Porcuna T, Salvadó Juncosa O, Fortea Gimeno E et al. Trends in child and adolescent mental health in Catalonia in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic during the 2020-2021 school year. An Pediatr (Engl Ed). 2023;99(1):3-13. PMID:37344304.

  • Serrano Marchuet P, López Granados L. Social networks and media: impact on the pediatric age. Pediatr. Integr. 2023;27(4):193-200.

  • Pino R, Antonanzas JM, Paredes Carmona F, Perramon A, Riviere JG, Coma M et al. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and SARS-CoV-2 variants: a two-year ambispective multicentric cohort study in Catalonia, Spain. Eur. J. Pediatr. 2023;182(4):1897-1909. PMID:36801975.

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