The following table shows the account of results for the last three years.
ASSETS | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
A) FIXED ASSETS | 132.649,98 | 71.275,66 | 184.119,97 |
I. Intangible assets | 82.216,97 | 31.770,95 | 112.769,29 |
1. Software | 82.216,97 | 31.770,95 | 30.701,29 |
2. Usage Rights | - | - | 82.068,00 |
II. Tangible assets | 50.433,01 | 39.504,71 | 71.350,68 |
1. Machinery and Facilities | - | - | - |
2. Furniture and hardware | 44.846,50 | 31.341,55 | 60.451,38 |
3. Other tangible assets | 5.586,51 | 8.163,16 | 10.899,30 |
B) CURRENT ASSETS | 12.910.474,43 | 6.902.602,87 | 7.167.355,91 |
I. Inventory | - | 142.692,48 | 126.569,60 |
II. Accounts Receivable | 6.522.854,61 | 1.487.743,46 | 2.338.860,23 |
1. Other Debtors | 6.510.657,48 | 1.486.588,26 | 2.338.860,23 |
2. Personnel | - | - | - |
3. Tax & Government debt | 12.197,13 | 1.155,20 | - |
IV. Short term financial investments | - | - | - |
1. Securities | - | - | - |
VI. Adjustments | 905,11 | 5.159,97 | 2.812,05 |
VII. Cash and equivalent liquid assets | 6.386.714,71 | 5.267.006,96 | 4.699.114,03 |
1. Cash | 6.386.714,71 | 5.267.006,96 | 4.699.114,03 |
TOTAL (A+B) | 13.043.124,41 | 6.973.878,53 | 7351475,88 |
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
A) EQUITY | 2.450.925,45 | -520.008,14 | 350.540,19 |
A-1). Equity | -225.270,28 | -524.024,33 | 266.120,96 |
I. Founders equity | 30.050,61 | 30.050,61 | 30.050,61 |
1. Founders equity | 30.050,61 | 30.050,61 | 30.050,61 |
III. Retained Earnings | -198.406,59 | 238.097,04 | 477.465,42 |
1. Retained Earnings | -198.406,59 | 238.097,04 | 477.465,42 |
V. Net Income (loss) for the year | -56.914,30 | -792.171,98 | -241.395,07 |
A-2). Grants, donations and other deferred revenue | 2.676.195,73 | 4.016,19 | 84.419,23 |
1. Capital Grants | 4.016,72 | 4.016,19 | 84.419,23 |
3. Other Subsidies, donations and legacies | 2.672.179,01 | - | - |
B) NON CURRENT LIABILITIES | 1.149.967,04 | 2.282.843,63 | 2.445.811,64 |
C) CURRENT LIABILITIES | 9.442.231,92 | 5.211.043,04 | 4.555.124,05 |
II. Short terms debts | 7.491.206,84 | 4.122.909,61 | 2.650.427,18 |
IV. Accounts Payable | 1.951.025,08 | 1.005.952,52 | 1.830.915,20 |
1. Other Creditors | 1.632.970,77 | 746.829,07 | 1.614.696,91 |
2. Personnel (accrued compensation) | 64.675,53 | 68.677,13 | 58.845,40 |
3. Tax and other Current liabilities to Government | 253.378,78 | 190.446,32 | 157.372,89 |
V. Adjustments | - | 82.180,91 | 73.781,67 |
TOTAL (A+B+C) | 13.043.124,41 | 6.973.878,53 | 7.351.475,88 |
INCOME STATEMENT | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
1) Operating Revenue | 5.048.588,74 | 4.040.415,34 | 3.988.968,36 |
a) Sales of goods and services | 1.680.187,41 | 1.392.694,67 | 1.167.060,29 |
b) Other periodical revenue | - | 421.805,64 | 347.458,48 |
c) Grants received | 3.368.401,33 | 2.141.987,58 | 2.464.115,99 |
d) Other Grants and donations | - | 151.332,42 | 182.260,91 |
e) Grants and donations reimbursed | - | -67.404,97 | -171.927,31 |
2) Grants Awarded And Other Expenses | -144.758,62 | -448.781,67 | -548.498,73 |
a) Grants Awarded | -144.758,62 | -448.781,67 | -548.498,73 |
3) Purchases | -94.771,07 | -50.168,87 | -18.293,89 |
a) Consumption of goods and inventory write down | -94.771,07 | -50.168,87 | -18.293,89 |
4)Other incomes from actiivities | - | - | - |
5) Personnel Expenses | -3.310.782,26 | -2.766.622,83 | -2.424.220,28 |
6) Other Operating Expenses | -1.506.368,54 | -1.518.615,43 | -1.183.907,04 |
a) Services | -1.517.324,46 | -1.493.731,41 | -1.208.768,48 |
A1) Rentals | -2.189,57 | -1.632,65 | - |
A2) Maintenance | -16.341,71 | -28.195,82 | -23.953,41 |
A3) Professional Fees | -802.448,66 | -786.416,84 | -574.318 |
A4) Insurance premiums | -3.703,27 | -3.035,99 | -2.018,71 |
A5) Bank fees | -12.616,42 | -4.057,17 | -2.180,33 |
A6) Supplies | - | - | - |
A7) Other services | -680.024,83 | -670.392,94 | -606.298,03 |
b) Tributs | 805,92 | -789,02 | 2.404,24 |
c) Other operating accruals | 10.150,00 | -24.095,00 | 22.457,20 |
7) Depreciation | -179.914,30 | -143.562,33 | -143.248,73 |
8) Long term Grants and Donations accrued | 123.000,00 | 83.746,04 | 84.956,06 |
9) Excess supplies | -328,99 | - | - |
10) Other results | 8.417,05 | 12.338,32 | 6.255,50 |
I. OPERATING INCOME | -56.917,99 | -791.251,43 | -237.988,75 |
10) Financial revenue | 3,69 | 60,78 | 0,03 |
11) Financial expense | - | -981,32 | -3.406,35 |
12) Exchange rate differences | - | -0,01 | - |
II. FINANCIAL INCOME | 3,69 | -920,55 | -3.406,32 |
III. INCOME BEFORE TAXES | -56.914,30 | -792.171,98 | -241.395,07 |
IV. NET INCOME | -56.914,30 | -792.171,98 | -241.395,07 |