
The following table shows the account of results for the last three years. 

ASSETS 2022 2021 2020
A) FIXED ASSETS 132.649,98 71.275,66 184.119,97
I. Intangible assets 82.216,97 31.770,95 112.769,29
1. Software 82.216,97 31.770,95 30.701,29
2. Usage Rights - - 82.068,00
II. Tangible assets 50.433,01 39.504,71 71.350,68
1. Machinery and Facilities - - -
2. Furniture and hardware 44.846,50 31.341,55 60.451,38
3. Other tangible assets 5.586,51 8.163,16 10.899,30
B) CURRENT ASSETS 12.910.474,43 6.902.602,87 7.167.355,91
I. Inventory - 142.692,48 126.569,60
II. Accounts Receivable 6.522.854,61 1.487.743,46 2.338.860,23
1. Other Debtors 6.510.657,48 1.486.588,26 2.338.860,23
2. Personnel - - -
3. Tax & Government debt 12.197,13 1.155,20 -
IV. Short term financial investments - - -
1. Securities - - -
VI. Adjustments 905,11 5.159,97 2.812,05
VII. Cash and equivalent liquid assets 6.386.714,71 5.267.006,96 4.699.114,03
1. Cash 6.386.714,71 5.267.006,96 4.699.114,03
TOTAL (A+B) 13.043.124,41 6.973.878,53 7351475,88
A) EQUITY 2.450.925,45 -520.008,14 350.540,19
A-1). Equity -225.270,28 -524.024,33 266.120,96
I. Founders equity 30.050,61 30.050,61 30.050,61
1. Founders equity 30.050,61 30.050,61 30.050,61
III. Retained Earnings -198.406,59 238.097,04 477.465,42
1. Retained Earnings -198.406,59 238.097,04 477.465,42
V. Net Income (loss) for the year -56.914,30 -792.171,98 -241.395,07
A-2). Grants, donations and other deferred revenue 2.676.195,73 4.016,19 84.419,23
1. Capital Grants 4.016,72 4.016,19 84.419,23
3. Other Subsidies, donations and legacies 2.672.179,01 - -
B) NON CURRENT LIABILITIES 1.149.967,04 2.282.843,63 2.445.811,64
C) CURRENT LIABILITIES 9.442.231,92 5.211.043,04 4.555.124,05
II. Short terms debts 7.491.206,84 4.122.909,61 2.650.427,18
IV. Accounts Payable 1.951.025,08 1.005.952,52 1.830.915,20
1. Other Creditors 1.632.970,77 746.829,07 1.614.696,91
2. Personnel (accrued compensation) 64.675,53 68.677,13 58.845,40
3. Tax and other Current liabilities to Government 253.378,78 190.446,32 157.372,89
V. Adjustments - 82.180,91 73.781,67
TOTAL (A+B+C) 13.043.124,41 6.973.878,53 7.351.475,88
INCOME STATEMENT 2022 2021 2020
1) Operating Revenue 5.048.588,74 4.040.415,34 3.988.968,36
a) Sales of goods and services 1.680.187,41 1.392.694,67 1.167.060,29
b) Other periodical revenue - 421.805,64 347.458,48
c) Grants received 3.368.401,33 2.141.987,58 2.464.115,99
d) Other Grants and donations - 151.332,42 182.260,91
e) Grants and donations reimbursed - -67.404,97 -171.927,31
2) Grants Awarded And Other Expenses -144.758,62 -448.781,67 -548.498,73
a) Grants Awarded -144.758,62 -448.781,67 -548.498,73
3) Purchases -94.771,07 -50.168,87 -18.293,89
a) Consumption of goods and inventory write down -94.771,07 -50.168,87 -18.293,89
4)Other incomes from actiivities - - -
5) Personnel Expenses -3.310.782,26 -2.766.622,83 -2.424.220,28
6) Other Operating Expenses -1.506.368,54 -1.518.615,43 -1.183.907,04
a) Services -1.517.324,46 -1.493.731,41 -1.208.768,48
A1) Rentals -2.189,57 -1.632,65 -
A2) Maintenance -16.341,71 -28.195,82 -23.953,41
A3) Professional Fees -802.448,66 -786.416,84 -574.318
A4) Insurance premiums -3.703,27 -3.035,99 -2.018,71
A5) Bank fees -12.616,42 -4.057,17 -2.180,33
A6) Supplies - - -
A7) Other services -680.024,83 -670.392,94 -606.298,03
b) Tributs 805,92 -789,02 2.404,24
c) Other operating accruals 10.150,00 -24.095,00 22.457,20
7) Depreciation -179.914,30 -143.562,33 -143.248,73
8) Long term Grants and Donations accrued 123.000,00 83.746,04 84.956,06
9) Excess supplies -328,99 - -
10) Other results 8.417,05 12.338,32 6.255,50
I. OPERATING INCOME -56.917,99 -791.251,43 -237.988,75
10) Financial revenue 3,69 60,78 0,03
11) Financial expense - -981,32 -3.406,35
12) Exchange rate differences - -0,01 -
II. FINANCIAL INCOME 3,69 -920,55 -3.406,32
III. INCOME BEFORE TAXES -56.914,30 -792.171,98 -241.395,07
IV. NET INCOME -56.914,30 -792.171,98 -241.395,07
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